PCA Wales - 5 Days Out!

Good evening!

So here we are the final 5!! Crazy right? So where to start 🤔 

Well yesterday Tom increased my fats by 40g and kept all carbohydrates the same along with taking steps down to 10K to shift some fatigue. 

Here is how we woke up… 


Harder, drier and a touch fuller. There was a slight gain in weight but I think this was solely a digestive thing as it didn’t really show visually.

So after sending these to Tom today I was told to keep fats the same, steps at 10K and to take carbs up by a further 50g. 

So currently my macros are: 

400C, 46F, 120P. 

Not crazy but we both agreed that a slow and steady linear load makes the most sense with my physique. We will chase fullness in the hope of spilling around Friday / Saturday then eliminating every drop of water in me.

Today was a training day and it was just a chest pump, it went like this:

Seated Chest Press

Seated Machine Dip

Incline Chest Press

Pec Dec

Everything was 3-4 sets of 12-15 keeping 3 RIR. 

It was hard to hold back but remember a fresh physique is a better looking one so during peak week do not chase failure! Recover!!! 

The work is done for today so all that remains is eating, relaxing and keeping my head!

I shall update you all tomorrow with the next move!